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A smiling family showing off their final project

Family Creative Learning

Family Creative Learning (FCL) is a workshop series that engages children and their parents to learn together — as designers and inventors — through the use of creative technologies. The workshops are designed to strengthen the social support and expertise of families with limited access to resources and experiences around computing.

FCL is a project of the Creative Communities group at CU Boulder, led by Professor Ricarose Roque. Currently, I am a Research Affiliate with Prof. Roque, consulting on furthering research and opportunities with FCL. Previously, I designed and co-authored the FCL Facilitator Guide while at the MIT Media Lab.

Scratch, Makey Makey, and a metal sponge


The facilitator guide provides a basic framework to implement the five workshops of Family Creative Learning. It also includes photo documentation and strategies to illustrate how the workshops were implemented across multiple sites in the Boston area.

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